Friday, October 2, 2015

Nicole's school writing assignment.. aka PARENTING WIN!

Good "Chilly-Autumn-October" morning!

Do you know those days when your kindergartener or grade one child brings home wonderful works of art that are full of love for... YOU?  The mom or dad!  Those precious pieces of adoration that extol all the wonderful traits and efforts that you as a parent had thought had gone unnoticed?

It has been a fact of life for us that as our girls have aged, these "pump you up-feel good" backpack surprises have become fewer and fewer.  And thats okay.  BUT when your almost teenage daughter openly shares what she has written about you (and most notably IN FAVOUR of YOU, her God-given parents) you just have to read between the scratchy lines and jump for joy...  

With Nicole's permission, I am sharing: "Writing Assignment:  Write about someone who is a hero to you.  Explain why.

My heroes do not wear capes or leotards; they don’t have super powers.  My heroes help me with my homework and help me when my sisters are being annoying.  They put up with my mood swings and don’t nag at me when I don’t do what they ask.  My heroes are my parents.

My parents don’t have superpowers but they manage to take care of 4 girls, 2 dogs, 5 cats, 40 chickens and 10 ducks, so I’d call that a super power.

They are not always the most reasonable and the only colourful super hero type clothes my mom wears are colourful socks she knits and wears with burkenstocks.  My mom knits a lot of things, she manages to keep up with demand for sweaters, hats and gloves that my sisters and I want; I’m still trying to convince her sweaters for chickens is not a good idea.

Next, my Dad.  He can build anything and I actually mean that.  My mom and the rest of us built the chicken coop, but my dad did most of the work.  My parents both put up with my weirdness and they love me and somehow my sisters a lot. 

My heroes are my parents.
By: Nicole

Ahhhh... smile.  I have so many points to debate - the most important two of course are my choice of footwear and chicken fashions, but for this morning, I choose to bask in the glow of pre-teen love before the next mood swing occurs.

Happy Friday All!


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