Friday, October 23, 2015

On learning and growing...

Its a post all about ME this morning... *gasp*!

I feel as though I have been handed a "golden ticket" this week and am unsure of what to do with it exactly.  Derek and I were discussing farm plans and long term goals and I came to realize that this present year is really open for me to explore and learn things that I want to learn.

I wasn't planning on full time kindergarten - our older three ladybugs were in the full day, every other day kindergarten program, so my days when they were in school were spent doing all the things that needed doing so that our days together were spent, well TOGETHER.  I hadn't planned on full time kindergarten working so beautifully for Krista - in fact, I preached that I planned to keep her home once or twice a week if she seemed at all tired!  It hasn't happened as of yet.

I am also taking a break from Girl Guides - an organization that I believe in and myself enjoy.  I have kept my membership and am always available to help out, but have stepped down from leading weekly meetings.  Though I do often think about the families I have been blessed to meet over the years, I am feeling good about my little rest.  And of course, I know that Krista begins sparks next year and there is a good chance that I will too!  :)

So, this is where I find myself.  A year before real "heavy" farm responsibilities, eight hours a day to myself and a husband that is encouraging me to go out and take classes or workshops!  (I am so blessed).  This is why I feel like I've won something, I'm just not too sure WHAT yet!

Organizing my thoughts, I've decided:  I would like to take classes or workshops but not a full course load - I've been and done college and now have a family and a full time working husband; not looking to add stress right now.

I've decided: I would really like to explore homesteading/self-sustaining skills both in creativity and animal husbandry; knowledge that would benefit our family farm in the years to come in practical ways as well as allow us to bless others.

Thoughts of different things I COULD do versus things I SHOULD do...  Let's face it, why have a family dairy cow if I don't really enjoy making cheese?  Do I like making cheese?  I don't know, I've never tried it.  Spinning my own wool?  Sounds enticing but I haven't shorn a sheep since college and that was many years ago!  Canning and preserving?  Sounds easy and frugal but is it?  Apiary - we NEED bees!  Writing?  Enjoy it on a personal level but not within a time frame - (read: my irregular blog posting!)

So here I am with the quote of a "journey starting with just one step" in my head and my heart telling me to leap and I am frozen in place!!

Deciding how and where to begin will surely be the toughest decision.  What would you explore?


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